The town of Wilton is one of a few in the state to have passed Chapter 79-E Community Revitalization Tax Relief Incentive which states the property tax on a qualifying structure in our downtown village (see map), shall not increase as a result of its substantial rehabilitation. This gives both residential and commercial property owners the ability to upgrade and improve buildings within the designated downtown village target area without an immediate tax increase for five years.
For more details and to apply for this incentive, click on this Application Form After you complete the application, you will take part in a public hearing with the Select Board, and if approved, will execute a covenant with the town. If you have any questions about the program of the application, please contact the Wilton Town Administrator at (603) 654-3299.
Economic Revitalization Zone (ERZ) tax credit offers a short term business tax credit for projects that improve infrastructure and create jobs in designated areas of a municipality. Wilton has established one on NH State 31 and has plans for others in the commercial/industrial zones along NH State Routes 101.
Success Story:
Atlantic Prefab, one of the largest manufacturers of prefabricated steel trusses and prefabricated, prefinished wall panels in New England, moved to 19 Stony Brook Drive in Wilton. The town established an ERZ along Route 31. “The company employs 25 to 30 workers, said Mark Beroney, general manager and senior designer. “But he is hopeful that the new headquarters will allow Atlantic Prefab Inc. to increase its workforce to 50 employees by the end of the year.