On Tuesday March 2nd the Wilton Lions Club sponsored a candidates’ forum to help residents get to know the people who are running for town and school offices. It was moderated by Bill Keefe, and the following candidates participated: Neil Faiman, Matt Fish, Michael Pellerin, Kermit Williams, Stephanie Horrell, DJ Garcia, Caitlin Maki and Darlene Anzalone. The session was conducted via Zoom, and a recording of the meeting can be found below.
Two notes about the recording:
- Zoom displays whoever is talking at the moment – if they have their video turned on, you will see their face; otherwise it shows a black screen with their name or phone number.
- Sometimes it switches randomly to someone else’s screen for a second – that is because Zoom has detected some audio coming from that line and thinks it is the person talking.
2021 Candidates Night Replay