Wilton Fire Department
February 19, 2021
Contact: Fire Chief Donald R. Nourse
Wilton Fire Department Mechanical and Liquid Storage Permits and Inspections
Effective Monday, March 1, 2021 the Wilton Fire Department will transition all Mechanical and Liquid Storage Permitting and Inspections from the Building Department to the Fire Department in the Town of Wilton. Since January of 1997 these processes were managed by the Wilton Building Inspector, largely due to the fact that the Wilton Fire Department was 100% volunteer and did not have staff required to keep up with the demands of customers as well as the follow-up actions often required. With the addition of a full-time Fire Chief approved at Town Meeting in March of 2020, the Department now has the ability to resume overall responsibility of reviewing and approving permits as well as performing the required inspections related to oil, gas and other solid fuel appliance installations, gas and oil piping and liquid storage tank installations and removals. Customers will still complete applications and submit payment to the Town Hall as in the past; however, the Fire Department now manages the overall processes.
Updated permit applications and more information can be found on the Town of Wilton’s website:
The Wilton Fire Department, established in 1875, has 1 full-time paid Chief and 32 volunteer firefighters from across the Wilton area. Led by Chief Donald R. Nourse, the Department serves a 26 square-mile area and responds to an average of 180 calls per year. Wilton shares mutual aid agreements with fire departments across Southern New Hampshire.